Unforgettable Bus Ride Tales

Unforgettable Bus Ride Tales


#BusRideTales via @DarrenKavinoky on Twitter

#BusRideTales via @DarrenKavinoky on Twitter

By Nicole Hanratty
There is something about riding on buses that make for unforgettable experiences, like when a rock comes hurling through the glass windshield and almost takes out your friend.
My junior year I was riding home for the weekend from college on a five hour bus trip with a friend. We were sitting in the front of the bus in a row that had two seats. A couple of hours in, my friend got up from her seat to do something. Within a minute or so of her leaving her seat, broken glass was everywhere.
Out of nowhere, a rock came barrelling at the bus windshield with such force it shattered the glass and flew into the bus. The headrest of my friend’s seat (where her face had just been) was the barrier that dead stopped the rock in flight.
Had she been sitting there, I hate to even imagine how the force of that rock would have harmed her. She was so incredibly lucky that she had the inclination to get up for that one minute–in that instant–from her seat. And I was equally as lucky that the trajectory of the rock hit her empty seat and not my face.
We were stunned. The incident happened in a flash but it is a memory and a “bus ride tale” that I will never forget. It remains today a “timing is everything” lesson and reinforces my belief in guardian angels.
Last week, Darren Kavinoky asked his Twitter followers if they had #BusRideTales to share. Darren’s “Tweeps” have some great stories! Here are are a few of them:

Darren Kavinoky
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